• How are you involved at school?
I am a member of all the honor societies, TSA, the band, and the drumline.
• What advice do you have for an incoming 9th or 10th grader?
The biggest piece of advice I can give to an incoming underclassman is to soak it all in. Everybody says this but I believe that it is the most important aspect to embrace when going through high school. All this will become a memory where these four years make up a small fraction of our lives. Whatever you decide to do, make it count and make sure it lasts. It’s hard to grasp how significant this is until you are already almost out of time.
• What does Roo Nation mean to you?
To me Roo Nation means a community to fall back on. Whether it’s your group of friends or any other organization, having people you can rely on is super important. Roo Nation embodies this regardless of the people. We are all going through high school at the same time and having people there for you is extremely important.
• What has been your favorite memory while at WHS?
My favorite memory at WHS has to be the final halftime performance this past football season. At the end of every performance of our halftime show, the entire drumline would scream and yell “roo”. At the final performance we all screamed it and kept it going forever. Standing there yelling knowing that this would be the last performance for me is what made it so special. Being surrounded by all my friends doing what brought us all together was truly special. It was bittersweet knowing that it was all over after that, but that’s what made it so special.
• What are you looking forward to this year?
The biggest thing I am looking forward to this year has to be college. Although it is going to be a massive change away from everything I know, I’m eager to experience it. I’m excited to see what my future holds along with what awaits my friends and peers.
• Who is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration has to be my father. He has worked hard to get my family to the spot where we are today. His dedication to our family is what I strive to achieve for my own family later down the line. I hope to be able to provide for my family how he does for us, and he serves as a model to me for what a father should be.
• What are your plans after graduation?
After graduation I plan to attend the University of Kentucky with a major in Political Science. Based on how that goes will determine if I pursue a postgraduate school such as law school.
• Favorite quote(s)?
“You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”- Dr. Seuss